Rowena Moyse and team carriage driving south wales

About us

Rowena Moyse and her team have a wealth of knowledge acquired over more than 40 years of schooling and training horses and ponies riding and carriage driving.

Over the years


I won the national championships with the pony team, which Averina very kindly gave to me, just before Covid hit us all.

This year also saw us at the Royal Welsh Show with Sal Keswani`s pony Sun-willow Jubilee (Squid) with Margaret Sperrin from Australia driving him. We had spent a few months training him to harness specially for this occasion.

I enjoy teaching, helping new comers get started and getting the competitors to get better results. Always having fun how ever serious it is!
I’ve got some great helpers and pupils who all make it very worth while.


saw Averina Win the National Championships in the pony pairs with her 2 ponies that I drive for her during the weekdays and my pony Minstrel helping out on the marathon, after a very impressive dressage score she lead the way throughout.


This year saw the pony team belonging to Averina Snow, and driven by Rowena, go abroad for the first time in March.

We took them out to Liseux in France , it was great fun and a great experience for us and the ponies, after that we continued with international competitions going to Royal Windsor, Sandringham and Hopetown. I have been changing ponies around in the team and by the end of the year at the national championships the had really improved a came 3rd just behind the established top team drivers in this country


Finished and passed the UKCC level 3 coaching qualification as held by the BEF and the BHDTA,


My Boyfriend Peter Edwards joined my business this year and so I needed to expand. I bought two wedding carriages, that can been seen on my weddings page, and several new horses. With Peter`s  help and the enthusiasm of the girls helping, started doing weddings and funerals (Go to funeral page)_

I was the Carriage Driving Representative for the Riding for the Disabled Organization, for 9 years and so I visited the two clubs in South Wales and was very impressed with the work they do. I helped and encouraged, and reviewed best practice in my role as rep.


I am the best qualified person in Wales to teach /coach you in any driving discipline as I have also just taken and passed the British Horse Driving Trails Association exam UKCC level 2 driving, this is a new exam system for coaching qualifications and I am the only one in Wales to hold the teaching/coaching exams for the BDS and the BHDTA.


took and passed the new UKCC exam in coaching for riding. I am also on the welsh committee of the BEF (British Equestrian Federation), providing a voice for carriage driving in Wales at government level.


Formed the Junior Welsh Team and after a lot of hard work and organization took them to the British junior outdoor Championships and got 2 firsts a 3rd and a 5th Well Done Fleur Snow, Tamara Hughes, Ashleigh Jones, and Sophie King.
I am also a B.D.S. examiner so I know what is required for passing the exams. I keep up to date with my own training by attending courses in either riding, driving, or teaching as often as possible. I am now also on the Training Committee of the BDS.


Was invited out to America to teach carriage driving to the Susquehanna driving club, that was a great experience seeing carriage driving in daily use with the Amish people and helping show drivers improve for competition


Competed in the World Pony Driving Championships


Passed British Horse Society Intermediate Stable Managers Exam.

Towards the end of the 90`s I competed at the Royal Windsor horse show this is an international event by invitation only (for the top drivers in each class) and this is where I started competing internationally in a carriage that I had designed and built and harness I had made and ponies I had trained myself…not many can claim that!

1994 /5

I took all my driving Exams Including the L.H.H.I. being the 10th person to get it.

During the 80`s

Driving had become part of my life and I did a little competing. Had a great pair of ponies called Fizzle & Fury. We were great cross country but hadn’t remembered to get the dressage right for these events, like many I got into it for the speed cross country.
I trained a few Pairs of ponies and often experimented with various multiples, competing locally with a tandem of ponies but it wasn’t until the late 90`s that I kept a pair long enough to do well with. That’s the pair called Menai Chocolate and Menai Crunchie

Also during this time I built up my yard, bit by bit, stables came first and after ten years of living in caravans I was able to rebuild the ruin of a house that was on the premises , I realy enjoyed helping with as much of the work as I could myself. ( Even digging new footings for the frount of the house myself ,by hand !)


Started my own business breaking and training horses & ponies to ride and drive.
Bought/borrowed some ponies and started scurry driving and competed at Wembley (won best newcomer of the year award).
Helped out a competitor with pair of ponies in 3 day Events, learnt about eventing, my ridden work helped me to be able teach dressage to drivers.

Mostly Riding work ,Hunters, point to pointers , show ponies (I’m small so I can ride the little ones), Side saddle showing.

Also I trained many wild welsh ponies and cobs, which is how I learnt horses natural behavior, and their real likes and fears. I loved the challenge of the out of control big Welsh Cob Stallions, and found Stallions quick to learn and great to work with. It amused me that I could tame these big animals when I am less than 5 ft and their owners would be big strong men. I learnt to use brains not brawn!!!


Helped out with scurry driving ponies for two seasons learnt a little about driving
Took and passed Pony Club H test.


Passed my B.H.S.A.I. (British Horse Society Assistant Instructor) nobody thought I would. I wasn`t very good at school. my brother and sister went to University & my Dad was a Lecturer!!


Left school at 16 and went to Rockhampton School of Equitation for 1 year (you don`t have to be too clever to work out my age but don`t tell everyone).